Why Drip?

IV or intravenous infusions replenish fluids and nutrients directly into the body and its target organs.  When fluids or nutrients are introduced into the body through oral ingestion, these substances must undergo breakdown in the gastrointestinal tract.   Under some conditions, we may prefer to have a higher density of nutrient or fluid intake that is only provided with intravenous delivery. 

It is important to note that IV infusions are never to be a substitute for oral intake of fluids.  These solutions are however a way to restore the body to peak performance, supplement nutrients, and offer an alternative solution for quick rehydration and nutrient repletion.   IV Infusions offer relief from the side effects of common conditions such as common colds, seasonal allergies, fatigue, hangovers, extreme exercise, headaches, and sun exposure. 

Why add vitamins and Nutrients to your drip?

IV infusions at Revive introduce fluids and essential elements such as vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants, and electrolytes directly into the body for direct absorption.   Absorption of nutrients and minerals by the oral route are subject to degradation in the gastrointestinal tract.  

IV menu injection B12 Carnitine IV Drip